Post Volunteer Training Survey

Thank you for taking your time and attending our Mirror Ministries Volunteer Training. We’d like to hear your impression of the various aspects of the trainings so that we can continually improve the experience for all attendees.

We will be using a scale of 1-5 as well as some open questions.

5. Excellent 4. Good 3. Fair 2. Poor 1. N/A

1. The volunteer coordinator communicated well and let you know what days the trainings were being offered.
2. How would you rate your overall training experienced?
3. How well were the trainings structured?
4. Was the content well organized and easy to follow?
5. Did the trainer provide relevant examples during the training?
6. How would you describe the training pace?
7. Did you gain more knowledge about sex trafficking because of these trainings?
8. How likely would you recommend this training to a friend or colleague?
9. What did you like most about your training?
10. How could this training be improved?

Thank you for your feedback, it is a valuable tool for improvement.