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What if that was me?

By Murphy, Sex Trafficking Advocate

From 1776 to the present day, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence, with festivities ranging from fireworks, parades and concerts to more casual family gatherings and barbecues.

We love being part of such a warm and welcoming community. But sometimes, for some people, the very moment they need support is when they discover how alone they are. This year the 4th of July brought a local family and their daughter and grand-daughter much despair and less faith in their community.

We live by the simple, golden rule: What if that was me? How would I like for others to treat me at a restaurant? A hospital? Or even as that straggler on the streets?

While most of us were celebrating with barbecues and fireworks, a local father fought for his daughter who had been trafficked and over-dosed. The one call she was able to make before passing out was to her dad. Her family broke down barriers to find her the help and services she needed. But multiple times in the same evening, they were dismissed because she was ‘just a junkie’ or a ‘prostitute.’

They brought her to the hospital and – praise God! – her life was spared.

The father reached out to some agencies, who, in turn, reached out to Mirror Ministries. I was able to meet the family: the dad, the mom, the victim, and her daughter. The experience reinforced the truth that it absolutely does not matter what degrees a person may hold, it does not matter who the individual may know, or even what social class they may be from… what does matter is the time and the compassion one has in their heart. That compassion can prompt someone to step away from their own family and friends in order to bring comfort and reassurance to another family who are afraid they just may lose their child.

A few days after the 4th, I had this message from the victim’s mother: “She would love to see you again. She remembers you being the only compassionate and loving person through this entire ordeal.”

This is what Mirror Ministries is all about. Reflecting the grace of God to victims and survivors of sex trafficking. God put that compassion in our hearts, and He works in us to live by the golden rule. We see ourselves reflected in the face of every victim, survivor, and family member. We see God’s image. And we ask, what if that was me?

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