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Survivor Services

Regain Power

Receive Respect

Rediscover your Value

Mirror Ministries exists to serve the diverse needs of survivors of human trafficking. This starts with specialized Human Trafficking Advocates, listed below, who are equipped to meet the unique needs of trafficking survivors who can coordinate with resources and agencies to meet those needs, educate about human trafficking, and engage in outreach throughout the Tri-Cities community. Our Survivor Services continue at our Outreach Center, where daily scheduled activities help you survive and thrive.

Professional Case Management Helps You:


  • Safe & trusting relationship with your advocate
  • Safe & effective community support
  • A safety plan
  • Education and training goals
  • Relocation plans (as needed)
  • Coping strategies


  • Resources for basic needs (food, clothing, housing, etc)
  • Health & medical care
  • Mental health services
  • Counseling
  • Legal assistance
  • Trafficking safe homes/ restoration services
  • Drug & alcohol treatment facilities
  • Other appropriate services

Our goal is that every survivor we serve will one day be able to look in the mirror and see reflected back a person of inherent dignity and worth. Mirror Ministries advocates come alongside you for the long-term and help you see yourself the way God created you rather than the way you have been treated.


Call or text our Advocate Hotline 24/7 at (509) 212-9995 or email us at if that is a better option. Victims, survivors, and their friends and family are encourage to reach out.

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